Jean-Christophe Abramovici

Jean-Christophe Abramovici

Professor of 18th century literature

  • CELLF (Centre for the Study of French Language and Literature - UMR 8599)


Part of my research work has been on medicine, and more specifically on medical discourse, for almost thirty years. In the book resulting from my thesis (Obscenity and classicism, Paris, P.U.F., coll. "Literary Perspectives" (2003), a chapter was devoted to "Medicine on Trial", which explored questions about medical power and the laborious genesis of medical terms of "organs that serve the generation".

I have since worked more specifically on the medical discourse on women ("From the archipelago to the dark continent. Medical representations of women in the second half of the 18th century', 2003; art. 'Generation (organs used for)', Dictionnaire des femmes des Lumières, 2015), the medical invention of hermaphrodites (Jaqueline Foroni's edition rendered in her true sex [1802], 1802) and hysteria (anthology in progress).

As part of the Master's degree in Medical Humanities at Sorbonne University, I lead a seminar entitled "The doctor, the body and the written word".